Monday, December 17, 2007


October, November and December 2007 - NEWS LETTA
Isaiah 9v6
For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the govenment will be on his shoulders.
And he will be called
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
More apologies for not keeping up on updating our blog! In the process of getting internet at home this will help much with our correspondence, hope to have it in the New Year!!!

Ministries at church
Preaching Gods Word
Mark has so enjoyed preaching this year it has been a great time of growing for him. He will be preaching a whole bunch more over the month of January. Please be in special prayer for him as he prepares his sermon for Christmas Day.
Young Adults Bible Study
What a blessing looking back over the last year. We started our young adults group with five and we now are a group of 33. We ended the year with a three course dinner at our small home. The close fellowship was great and they all so enjoyed the evening of fun with loads of food - the chocolate fondue was a real hit!!
Women’s Ministry Meets–“LIGHT OF THE SEASON”
Tan was hugely involved in the planning and helping of the last ladies meeting of the year. They had a wonderful full afternoon thinking on Christ as the Light of the Christmas Season. She did a demo on containerized gifts for Christmas and they had ideas shared on decorating candles. Each lady received a Christmas cracker gift filled with a tract on Jesus as the light and a little candle. It was a wonderful afternoon of sharing together.
We have also just launched our very own church recipe book (80pages). What a project but we did have fun putting it together – LOADS OF FELLOWSHIP!
Craft Evenings
The girls completed the card making series and then for the Christmas craft evening they had fun making Christmas wreaths – how lovely!!. This time together this year has proved to be a great time of fellowship for the ladies of our church.
Sunday School
We both got involved in helping organize the Sunday school nativity play. It was so special to see the children dress up and live out the Christmas story. Troyden was too cute. Pastor Stuart used him as a live illustration in his sermon (Herod’s edict to kill babies under the age of 2years). As the pastor greeted him “Hello Troyden” he waved back!!! Far too cute!

To end off the year of worship we are leading the Carol service together. Some of the members will be in our
nativity “. Readings of the angel, Mary, Joseph, King, Shepherd and Prophet – recalling what it was like the night Christ was born. We are the shepherds and Troydie will be a sheep. We are so looking forward to sharing in this time together.

Weekend in the Berg (Mountains)
We had a great family weekend with Mark’s folks and his younger sister (Robyn’s family) in the mountains along side the lake. We so enjoyed the time together and the cousins had the bestest time ever. Troydie crawling everywhere and Joshie trying his hardest to get moving.

Troyden on the left - big Joshua on the right - he weighs the same as Troyden and is 3 months younger we all know that Josh is going to be a big boy!

We were privileged to be treated to a holiday in Cape Town. We had some special friends come from the USA and holiday with us. We got to enjoy some of the sight of Cape Town and the Garden Route. We enjoyed the lovely views, beach, water front, and mark even got to ride an Ostrich!!! We really did the tourist thing and had so much fun making memories together with our friends and Troydie! We ended our trip with a drive up into Lesotho on a really rocky road and a weekend in the Game Park ending with a visit to Zululand - Manzibomvu. This was the first time Troyden had ventured up this way and he was really warmly welcomed by his other church family.

Troydies first plane ride, he did so well just slept the whole time.

View from the top of Table Mountain - God is BIG!

Mark has started swimming at the local pool 5 mornings a week. Troyden and I have been tagging along to enjoy the time of exercise and fresh outside air. Troyden so enjoys paddling his toes we have not yet ventured into the water but got the out fit and Bentley belt ready maybe one day this week we will have him floating out in the water with us.

Baby Troyden UPDATE
Troydie is really on the move!! Crawling really quickly and enjoys playing catches. The new thing now is he likes to climb all over, he can nearly make it up the stool next to the bed and then onto the bed. He also is standing without holding on “Look Mom No Hands!”. He stands just for 2 seconds and then sits down hard.

Look dad & mom no hands!!

Peek-A-Boo is initiated by him now and this is so cute, he loves to hide under the blanket and for us to find him. His favorite toy is his little soccer ball and is practicing to throw, when he does he screams with delight. Bath time now is spent standing and “fixing” the taps; he loves the water even in his face. We now have 8 teeth and he is eating more and more solid foods (his new favorite is ice-cream – YUM!). He is still having about 3hours sleep during the day keeping us more and more busy when he is awake. He is now waving and this has made him all the more friendlier. He has also learned that if he holds out his arms he will get picked up and will generally go to anyone. Not to mention the cutest smile that he shares with all!


Any opportunity to get my hands in the mud and then make sure that I taste to see that it is good fun!

Check out my cool little shooz!!!

Plans for Christmas
We will be celebrating Christmas with Marks folks and the extended family on the 20th Dec in Pietermaritzburg. His two sisters are up from Cape Town and East London with their families and the Grandparents will also be joining us for dinner. We plan to have our folks – both sets over to our house for dinner on Christmas Eve to enjoy a relaxing evening together.
Christmas Day will be celebrated in Durban – Mark is preaching and we will enjoy the worship service together as a family. Trent will be flying down from Johannesburg after his Christmas Day service and us together with Tan’s folks will spend a few days down the coast at the beach.
For New Year we will be in Durban for he services and then hope to spend a few days with his folks and sisters up in the mountains. Praying that our time with family will be a special blessing to all of us.

Prayer Requests
Thank you each and everyone for your special prayers, God is Good all the time.
· Knowing God’s will and leading in our own lives as we continually seek direction from him.
· Our Christmas travel plans – safety and special time with extended family and friends. Pray for a special time of rest and relax.
· Tracy (Mark’s older sister) is 12 weeks pregnant with her first baby – please pray for the health for mom and baby. (the family is all very excited – due date mid-June).
Ministry at Durban North
· Marks preaching into the New Year 2008, say a special prayer for his preparation and his communication on Christmas day as we always have many visitors.
· Carol Service (23rd Dec – evening); pray that many will come and share in this evening as we focus on the birth of God’s son – Jesus Christ.
· Sunday school involvement we are praying about leading the Sunday school next year as we have no superintendent, a very big opportunity to reach out to children with the gospel and to lead by example.
· We look back over our first year of ministry and praise the Lord for teaching us so many different lessons – Thank you Lord for giving us this opportunity to minister for you in this way, what a privilege.
· For our finances – we have had a challenge this year to make our money’s stretch but we praise the Lord that we always have – what a blessing!!!

This is to send you special wishes at this wonderful time of the year. Christ was born – know that if he never came as a baby we would not have known him on the Cross at Easter time.


Port St Johns

We spent a week at Port St Johns - Mark and dad did some mission work in the area and Tan and mom got to visit and have some fun with Troydie!

Inspecting the grass and the twiggs and all the outside fun things!!

Special moment - this is where Mark proposed to Tan - now Troydie is in the picture too - Praise the Lord for many special memories and moments together!!

My special BOYS says a proud MUM!!



Troydie wrapped up after a fun bath!!

2nd Hair Cut - the curls are too cute but needed a trim. The hair dresser visits at home to cut his hair on the dinningroom table and this time he was spoilt with a Lollipop - What a sticky hairy mess!

Morning coffee with mom and dad in bed - he just is the cutest and the funnest first thing in the morning

Me in my "Limo" - new cart with 6 WHEELS!!! Yey yey yey

Learning to like my cot in MY ROOM - play peek-a-boo with dad over the railing

Just have to weigh myself to see if I'm growing properly!!

Love to play but it's better if you get in the toy box with all the toys !

In the Bath!!!

Troyden is loving the water more and more - his favorite toy in the bath is his squeeky yellow duck.



So sorry for the slow news but as you read you will see much has happened in ministry and in our little lives. Decided to write for 3 months as so much has happened and we are so blessed to share it all with you!!!

Ministries at church
Young Mum’s Bible Study
Tan has so enjoyed her time each month with the young mommy’s of the church. They are working through Elizabeth George’s book “Mom after Gods own Heart” as she explains the importance of Deut 6. She has found this verse such an encouragement and challenge – “writing
God’s word on the doorpost of your homes” we now have a bible memory verse up on the fridge to remind us of His goodness everyday.
Craft Evenings

It has been a busy busy time for Tan. She has been planning the craft evenings once a month at the church. For the next 4 months she is doing a series on Card Making. The Ladies have so much fun being creative and fellowshipping together.
Young Adults Bible Study
All is going great we have about 15-20 each Wednesday night to study through the book of Acts together. Mark is enjoying the challenge in teaching and leading this group. We had a very sad month – September. One of our young adult mom’s (new mommy her baby only 8 weeks old), she was murdered in her home! It has been a really hard yet blessed time to be involved in encouraging and helping others through this very very sad and hard time. Daddy of the baby is doing well and baby is fine. All that we can rest on is that God is in Control He is the Sovereign I AM!!!
Ladies Meeting
Our church ladies had a fun afternoon learning on colour and organizing of your wardrobe it was great to have such a big crowd together.
Sunday School
Tan had decided to get involved in Sunday school. She is helping out with the worship once a month. The theme is “SHIPs”. They have fun singing and learning from Tuggie the Tugboat about all the ships in the Harbor – FriendSHIP, LeaderSHIP, DiscipleSHIP, and WorSHIP!!!
Preaching Gods Word
MJ has had a great time in the pulpit and is still preaching through the book of James in the evening and enjoying the challenge there. In the mornings together with Pastor Stuart they have just started a new series through the book of Habakkuk. Please remember him in prayer as he prepares to share what God has laid on his heart each time.
MJ leads worship mornings and evenings several times in the month. Tan has decided to join the worship team one Sunday evening every month to help out with singing and playing of guitar. She is enjoying getting back into playing and has fun worshiping with the others in the team.

MJ’s 30th Birthday Celebrations
It was great to have the whole extended Wilby family together to celebrate over a sit down dinner. Mark’s aunty Barbara from England was also visiting and even the new little nephew from East London was there.

Troydie opening Dad's pressies

Visit to Johannesburg
In July we had a fleeting visit with Uncle T in Joeys. It was great to spend some special quality time with him. He just so enjoys time with Troyden. He is doing well and enjoying ministry, keep him in your prayers as he seeks the Lords will for his ministry at Florida Baptist. He is so excited at what the Lord is doing in his church Praise God for His special blessings on this congregation.

Mission to Zululand – Riverbend Macedonian Ministries hosted a team from Riverbend in the USA. They were a music team that came to lead worship for a tent revival in Zululand. Trent was the preacher for the week and they all had a huge blessing in sharing the gospel in that area. Mark was able to help with transport
Gran Wilby’s 80th celebrations
Mark’s Granny turned 80!!! We had a lovely family meal at a posh (fancy) hotel and enjoyed the time with family we have not seen in years. Many traveled from far to be with Gran on her happy day!

Troydie with Granny Wilby

Baby Troyden UPDATE
Well our little baby is becoming more of a little boy each day!!!. He is on solid food three times a day and enjoying his cereal, fruit, yoghurt and even the veggies! He got his first two front bottom teeth one on the 23rd August and the other right after on the 25th August.
He is having about 3hours sleep during the day so keeping us busy when he is awake.
Then he has managed to get going in all fours he is now crawling all over the place and wanting to climb up everything. He loves to be chased and gets so excited and laughs so hard that he gets hiccups!! TOO CUTE.
Well he really is the "smiler" and smiles all the time such a happy child and so easy we have been so incredibly blessed with this little bundle.
We spend most of our days at home and he loves to be outside so we play as much as we can on the grass which he finds very ticklish on his little toes.
He has learned who we are and cries if we leave the room in too much of a hurry. Dad is his favorite play mate they have so much fun, tickling, laughing, chasing and playing peek-a-boo!

Happy Baby - all the time!!!

Mission Trip to Mozambique
Mark has juts gotten back from taking a team from our church to help with ministry and sharing of the gospel in Mozambique. They had a blessed time and were able to preach on the Sunday at 6 different churches not all Baptist, so this was a huge opportunity to share the gospel. They had kiddie’s ministry and ran a small clinic as one of the team members is a sister at our local hospital. Our church people were hugely encouraged through this experience.

Family Time
We praise the Lord for all the time we have had to spend together as a family. Grand-dad and Grand-ma Wilby visit us every Thursday night to have some special time with Troydie. Grandpa and Granny Mally Eayrs visit when they can (once a week). Then we were able to have Trent to stay for two nights this past month. When we can we visit them all in Pietermaritzburg too. It has been great to visit with the family and have them so close by we cherish this special family time together!

Home Time
In our busy schedule we have been able to find some time to be creative at home. Tan is busy completing a cross-stitch for Troyden’s nursery meant to be completed before he was born!!! The next goal is before he turns one!!! She is also working on loads of beading projects (necklaces, home décor and key chains to decorate hand bags). MJ has managed to get his workshop a little more organized. He now has a hand me down lathe to do some wood turning and collecting some tools together to complete his workshop organization.

Prayer Requests
Thank you each and everyone for your special prayers, God is Good all the time.
· Knowing God’s will and leading in our own lives.
· Own special time with the Lord to refresh us in our personal walk with Him and as we have family devotion time to teach Troyden of the Lord Jesus Christ.
· We are planning a trip to Cape Town (29th Oct –12th Nov) with some of our friends from the USA please pray that this will be a time of rest and relaxing.
· Mom and Dad Eayrs leave for the USA on the 15th Oct for 2 weeks pray for a blessed time of visit, ministry and rest!
Ministry at Durban North
· Marks involvement in preaching, please say a special prayer for his preparation and his communication. (Oct 7th morning, Oct 14th evening, Oct 28t evening
· Mum’s bible study (every 2nd Tuesday).
· Craft evening (first Thursday of every month); pray that many non-Christians will be reached through this devotional, hands-on fellowship evening.
· Sunday school involvement a very big opportunity to reach out to children with the gospel.
· Our involvement in worship, worship drama, men’s ministry, teaching, leading and guiding of God’s children.
· The MIRACLE of Troyden and the blessing he is in our lives as he grows and learns from us.
· For our finances – we have had a huge challenge making ends meet and we praise the Lord for his continued blessings, he always provides.

Lamentations 3:22-23 “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”