Hi to all our family and friends – it has been long overdue that we send you news on the WILBY FAMILY HOME and MINISTRY front. So enjoy the read and all the pics as you catch up with what we have been up to over the last 4 months. Sorry for so much HISTORY!! WOW time fly's by when you have little people in your house!
MARCH saw the end of our Summer and we had great weather HOT HOT HOT so we were out in the garden enjoying planting plants, playing in the water with bazooka squirters, under the sprinkler, up the jungle gym and in the tent. The boys love the outside and so the tans then were looking the best they had all summer.
We w
ent on an outing to the botanical gardens and Troydie so enjoyed riding his bike all around. Feeding the ducks was quite something especially when some of the ducks were bigger than him.
MARCH saw the end of our Summer and we had great weather HOT HOT HOT so we were out in the garden enjoying planting plants, playing in the water with bazooka squirters, under the sprinkler, up the jungle gym and in the tent. The boys love the outside and so the tans then were looking the best they had all summer.
We had breakfast on the main road in an old coffee shop that reminded us of
Cracker Barrel (fun old timey restaurant in the USA). We shopped the antique and craft shops and then the boys went fly-fishing on the Vaal river while we picnicked on
the river bank. Very beautiful and peaceful. We ended the day with fish and chips for supper and then watched a chick flick – so in all you can say that she was spoilt on her birthday it was quite a celebration!
We have had a trying time with the kids being sick at the end of March WOW!!! Will say it was the most challenging week of mommy hood for me! All three had inner ear infections, tonsils and runny runny runny noses so we now have shares in the doctor’s rooms and our medical aid is smiling!! Praise God they all bounced back great and after that episode we decided for the winter we would try out the flu injection – and we are smiling with some of winter arriving in the air so far we think the injections have helped to keep the BAD germs at bay.
We must say that all THR
Cousin Joshie celebrated his NUMBER THREE birthday and what fun the kiddies all had. It was a BIKE party where the boys got to ride on little paved roads with signs, robots (traffic lights), hills, traffic circles etc.
They had so
much fun ZOOMING around – dad, mom, grand-dad and grand-ma were on the run as this was the first time Treyson and Tryston has free riding what a run around.
Since then we have had a chance to take the boys out to the beach front on their bikes and let them ride along and race each other – they loved the freedom to ride out in the open spaces!
Baby JAMES (Joshie’s baby brother) arrived safely into the world and what a cutie he is. Congrats to mom and dad on another BOY to add to the WILBY BOY BUNCH! Mom and baby are doing great and he is already a big boy at 5 weeks old! Troydie asked if he could run and play with him and is most upset that he sleeps all the times we go to visit.
St Lucia (a little north on the coast from Durban).
They have an inland Salt Water Estuary with crocodiles and hippos. Well what a treat for us to be camping and hear th
e Hippos grunting in the water. We had to fight of the invasion of monkeys and mongoose every day! The boys were fascinated with them. It was great to be
so close to nature and for the boys to learn and see so much of God’s great creation. We spent one afternoon at the Croc Farm where we could come up close and personal with a croc and Troydie was amazed at how BIG they were. We spent some time building cars and castles on the beach and Troyden, Treyson and Tryston so enjoyed the sleeping in the TENT !! (Camping is definitely something that is going to be enjoyed and done often in the Wilby home!)
Another family fun time we have just added to our memories was a trip to the Royal Show (Agricultural show in Pietermaritzburg where farmers show the best of their animals). They have all of everything chickens, ponies, horses, cows, bunnies etc. What a great time to look around and enjoy all the animals as well as all the farming implements, home improvements and novelties for sale. This was the first time Troyden, Treyson and Tryston got to ride the BIG WHEEL, Troydie drove a kiddies train, they touched a bunny rabbit and climb on “GUNDA GUNDA’s” (tractor), trailers, diggers and more.
He is really talking really nicely and so enjoys his little brothers. He has reached the stage of asking WHY? So we have had a challenge in having to answer his questions intelligently – especially when you don’t know much about the topic he is asking about e.g. Front loaders, diggers and cranes – what a STRETCH!! He loves individual time and Mom has made the effort to teach him so crafts like painting, play dough, cutting and sticking. Linking logs is by far his favorite and he loves to build log homes and play the cowboy ranch as he builds. He has saved his first bit of pocket money and we had a big outing to go and buy a play cellphone for him what an ordeal to find the right one and then pay for it. He only wanted to spend 6 BUCKS so when I told him it was 30 BUCKS he couldn’t believe it!! (30 BUCKS WHY SO MUCH!!? - Was what he asked). He is growing up so fast it’s quite sad to see him so independent he is even dressing himself now and takes great joy in asking if he is doing a great job.
He has a really strong will and it has been a challenge to grow and guide him. His favorite and only word right now is NO! His fun happy bubbly fun character is a huge blessing. He is daring and wants to be just like Troyden. The two of them often play together and Treyson imitates and follows Troyden in everything.
He is the smiley child with a happy fun bubbly character too. He definitely will be talking first and is already saying HELLO and WOO WOO (for dog). He is more careful and cautious and plays a lot more gently. He is often the third party so spends a lot of time playing by himself – but will say that him and Treyson often take Troyden on.
MOM - Tan
Well I have had a great time in setting up a work craft station in our study at home. A place for me to mess and then close the curtain on the cupboard to hide the mess and come right back anytime to pick up from where I left off. I have started scrapbooking again to catch up with Treyson and Tryston’s albums and cannot believe how much they look like Troyden. I have also learnt how to do serviette decoupage and have had so much fun in making something old look new and restored. I had a spoil and spent a day at the craft show for some inspiration and what a load of beautiful things and ideas I came away with. I have so enjoyed setting aside this time to be creative even though it is only at night it has been great to relax and enjoy.
DAD - Mark
What a busy busy guy he is and has taken on many more ministries at church so has a very very big load. He is a wonderful hands on dad and loves playing ball, tackle, tickle and throw with the boys they love to hear his keys rattle at the door when he comes home each afternoon. Added to his busy life we have decided to start studying again. He has registered with South African Theological Seminary (Johannesburg based correspondence Seminary) and he will start in the next few months with his Masters in Theology – Biblical Studies. Please keep us all in your prayers as this will take a little adjusting to our schedules to help dad get the studying time in.
We praise the Lord each and every day as we have the opportunity to work for the eternal kingdom what a joy to have a meaning and purpose to your life!
Impact Kids ministry every week this term we have taught what it means to be on the winning side! With the Soccer World cup round the corner we have had a great time teaching what “Soccer Sam” would do on the Soccer field and compared it to what “Christian Chris” would do in living the Christian life. Our term verse has been Philippians3v13-14 – “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” We have had a great time painting T’shirts to wear during the Soccer World cup, bandanas and flags with lots of mess, paint and fun.
Kingdom Kids (mom’s, dad’s and little kiddies) is going great and the moms are so enjoying the fellowship each week around God’s word – we have been greatly challenged as we have studied Proverbs 31. What a woman she is and so much to apply to our lives as women, moms, wives and home makers. (On the side Mark and I are writing “Proverbs 32 – the Godly man” (laugh out loud) we have had so many jokes to encourage and spur us on as parents and home makers in our own home – anything to keep one going when you feel swamped with all that responsibility!
The mom’s group meet twice a month for Bible study and the twice a month for an outing and we have had a great time each outing. Many times we meet at one of the mom’s homes and are made to feel very at home with each mom’s own hospitality flare. Each time we have something special where one of us share tips and ideas like, meal planning, shopping lists, creative quick meals, child care ideas, craft and activity ideas, home making décor, time savers etc.
We praise the Lord each and every day as we have the opportunity to work for the eternal kingdom what a joy to have a meaning and purpose to your life!
Impact Kids ministry every week this term we have taught what it means to be on the winning side! With the Soccer World cup round the corner we have had a great time teaching what “Soccer Sam” would do on the Soccer field and compared it to what “Christian Chris” would do in living the Christian life. Our term verse has been Philippians3v13-14 – “Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” We have had a great time painting T’shirts to wear during the Soccer World cup, bandanas and flags with lots of mess, paint and fun.
Kingdom Kids (mom’s, dad’s and little kiddies) is going great and the moms are so enjoying the fellowship each week around God’s word – we have been greatly challenged as we have studied Proverbs 31. What a woman she is and so much to apply to our lives as women, moms, wives and home makers. (On the side Mark and I are writing “Proverbs 32 – the Godly man” (laugh out loud) we have had so many jokes to encourage and spur us on as parents and home makers in our own home – anything to keep one going when you feel swamped with all that responsibility!
The mom’s group meet twice a month for Bible study and the twice a month for an outing and we have had a great time each outing. Many times we meet at one of the mom’s homes and are made to feel very at home with each mom’s own hospitality flare. Each time we have something special where one of us share tips and ideas like, meal planning, shopping lists, creative quick meals, child care ideas, craft and activity ideas, home making décor, time savers etc.
A huge PRAISE – we have just started a new Bible study with these moms and their husbands and families. Please be in prayer for this group as many of the husbands are not saved but are willing to be apart of this time together. We meet twice a month for bring and share supper and study in God’s word lead by Mark. What a blessing to have this avenue of outreach pray that many lives are changed and that these parents can be a testimony and witness to their little children – we are very excited!
Young Adults group is going well they meet for Bible study every week that is led by Mark and the group averages about 17-20. They have just completed Revelation and are now studying 1 Corinthians and finding it a huge blessing! We were able to be part of an outing with them to Karkloof Gorge and enjoyed an afternoon picnic and fun alongside the river. We also had them all in our home for an evening of coffee brownies, ice-cream and chocolate sauce – great evening to fellowship together. It was great to also be a part of a marriage celebration what a blessing to see two young adults, committed to Christ, make vows to build their future together in the Lord. It was a wonderful wedding day - this made Mark and I think back on the vows we made nearly 7 years ago – God is Good!!!
Pastoral ministry has been a challenge and a blessing in Mark’s life as he has faithfully preached God’s word on several Sunday mornings and evenings. He is currently preaching through 1 John in the morning and just started a series through Malachi in the evenings. We have had a baptismal service and what an encouragement to see so many boldly follow Christ.
Mark led his first dedication service and it was definitely one to be remembered. Two families dedicated their little ones to the Lord and one baby cried the whole way through! Mark really did well to keep everyone together.
On the whole he is greatly enjoying being part of God’s family and leading ministry even though some days are really busy with elders, deacons, mission, staff, outreach, devotion, prayer, encouragement and family time. His schedule does get crazy at times. Please pray for time management so that each ministry has enough preparation time!
Many of you may have heard or received an email from us regarding his studies – this has been something we have been praying about for some time and feel that the timing is right so he will begin his studies through South African Theological Seminary (SATS) in the month of June and work toward receiving his Masters in Theology. We both are very excited at the opportunity that has come his way and are praying both for spiritual growth, greater depth in the things of the Lord and a challenge to stretch and equip for further ministry. Please be in prayer for us as we find support in funding this venture and finding the time to get the studies completed in amongst all our other ministry responsibilities.
Woman’s Ministry involvement has been a wonderful time for Tan to grow in leadership. The ladies met this first quarter of the year for a meeting “Soaring on Wings like Eagles” and it was a great afternoon of encouragement and inspiration for all who attended. Tan has also lead the craft event for the ladies and they had a decoupage morning and this was a great time of fellowship and creativity for the ladies to make “something OLD something NEW”!!
Like at the beginning of this section of our news letter we said – WHAT A BLESSING TO BE INVOLVED IN ADDING TO GOD’S KINGDOM DAILY AND WORKING FOR ETERAL THINGS!
Thank you Lord for giving us this opportunity to bring Glory to you in everything that we do!
To end our long newsy letter we have a new addition to the Wilby Family – his name is MAC - our new puppy (Labrador cross spaniel). He is
7 weeks old and is full of mischief. The boys have taken to him and Troydie has a new playmate. He can be a bit rough – so Treyson and Tryston tend to run away when he comes near. We all think he is the cutest little pup ever and what a joy his has added to our home!
Young Adults group is going well they meet for Bible study every week that is led by Mark and the group averages about 17-20. They have just completed Revelation and are now studying 1 Corinthians and finding it a huge blessing! We were able to be part of an outing with them to Karkloof Gorge and enjoyed an afternoon picnic and fun alongside the river. We also had them all in our home for an evening of coffee brownies, ice-cream and chocolate sauce – great evening to fellowship together. It was great to also be a part of a marriage celebration what a blessing to see two young adults, committed to Christ, make vows to build their future together in the Lord. It was a wonderful wedding day - this made Mark and I think back on the vows we made nearly 7 years ago – God is Good!!!
Pastoral ministry has been a challenge and a blessing in Mark’s life as he has faithfully preached God’s word on several Sunday mornings and evenings. He is currently preaching through 1 John in the morning and just started a series through Malachi in the evenings. We have had a baptismal service and what an encouragement to see so many boldly follow Christ.
Mark led his first dedication service and it was definitely one to be remembered. Two families dedicated their little ones to the Lord and one baby cried the whole way through! Mark really did well to keep everyone together.
On the whole he is greatly enjoying being part of God’s family and leading ministry even though some days are really busy with elders, deacons, mission, staff, outreach, devotion, prayer, encouragement and family time. His schedule does get crazy at times. Please pray for time management so that each ministry has enough preparation time!
Many of you may have heard or received an email from us regarding his studies – this has been something we have been praying about for some time and feel that the timing is right so he will begin his studies through South African Theological Seminary (SATS) in the month of June and work toward receiving his Masters in Theology. We both are very excited at the opportunity that has come his way and are praying both for spiritual growth, greater depth in the things of the Lord and a challenge to stretch and equip for further ministry. Please be in prayer for us as we find support in funding this venture and finding the time to get the studies completed in amongst all our other ministry responsibilities.
Woman’s Ministry involvement has been a wonderful time for Tan to grow in leadership. The ladies met this first quarter of the year for a meeting “Soaring on Wings like Eagles” and it was a great afternoon of encouragement and inspiration for all who attended. Tan has also lead the craft event for the ladies and they had a decoupage morning and this was a great time of fellowship and creativity for the ladies to make “something OLD something NEW”!!
Like at the beginning of this section of our news letter we said – WHAT A BLESSING TO BE INVOLVED IN ADDING TO GOD’S KINGDOM DAILY AND WORKING FOR ETERAL THINGS!
Thank you Lord for giving us this opportunity to bring Glory to you in everything that we do!
To end our long newsy letter we have a new addition to the Wilby Family – his name is MAC - our new puppy (Labrador cross spaniel). He is
Thank you for all your support and care we miss you all and would love to hear your news! God Bless and take care
In His hands
Mark, Tanya, Troyden, Treyson & Tryston
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