Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sept 2010


...And so have our little little boyz! They have grown so quick so big...
Enjoy SOME MORE catch up … with lots and lots of pic this time as we would have liked you all to be around for this month!!!

September saw the TWINS – Treyson and Tryston turn BIG NUMBER 2!! We could not believe that our little double blessing bundles are now RUNNING all around!!
We celebrated with a beautiful day out in our garden SOCCER FEVA again… yes we had all the balls in creation, jungle gym newly built by dad, swing and bouncing soccer ball, face painting and lots of ROUND food to much on.
In all it worked out to be a great time of fun for the little boyz and they had a “BALL”!!
(loads of pics enjoy the look so wish you could have all been there to celebrate with us - GOD IS SO VERY GOOD)

TRYSTON - lovable, friendly, smiley, happy little boy he has a personality just like his MOM

TREYSON - happy, sincere, resurved, strong character - happy little boy he has a personality just like DAD

DAD having fun with all his boyz! Handz full to over flowing - we praise the Lord for our wonderful family!

TROYDEN having a fun time before the party


Soccer cakes --- mmm yum!!

Troydie with his cousin - Joshie

Tryston bouncing

Treyson bouncing

Now we want to bounce TOGETHER ! (with TWINS we find we are always doing thing TOGETHER - togetherness is a big part of our lives)

On their actual birthday we treated them to an outing to USHAKA RAYS PLAY PLACE and talk about loads of fun, painting, climbing, sliding, swinging, and exploring in the “caves” They all had so much fun.

Our camping trip to St Lucia was great as always and the boyz love the great outdoors, the crocs and hippos so nearby. All the monkeys that raid your camp every time you go out and the mongoose that keep you entertained as they scurry along in tribes of hundreds!!!

Big fun in the camp was to shoot the monkeys or BABA on the Bike with water squirters and that kept all three very busy. (Thanks Uncle Arnold and Aunty Marie for the fun squirters)

Lots of walks along the board walk, rides in Baba’s boat, sand play on the beach and hikes through the bush to see some pretty birds. Riding the boardwalk on our motor bikes was great fun!!

We got the boyz some little camp chairs and table and they so enjoyed their meals together.

We spend one day out at Mission Rocks and the boyz enjoyed the cold swim what a beautiful part of our coast line.

Treyson had many a stop and look moment too cute!!

We had a lovely weekend with family and a great time to get to know AMBER and yes Uncle T did pop the question and yes she said YES and YEY we have a new addition to our family – WE LOVE YOU AUNTY AMBER. They have set their wedding date: 1st JANUARY 2011 (01-01-11) we are so blessed to have such a wonderful person added to our family. Welcome to the Family Amber we are excited to get a sister!! Together we are praying for God’s bestest for their lives ahead – all so very excited for the planning of the wedding and the wedding day celebrations. Please pray with us that in all God will be glorified!

The happy extended family - smiles all round!!


Impact kids ministry
has gotten off to a good start this semester. Our new them is the BIRTH OF CHRIST. We are learning each week about a different character of the nativity, Tan is doing the teaching and Mark is helping with the games and looking after of the boyz. The craft for the term is to make a nativity scene and each week we are making one of the characters, eg. Shepherd, Joseph, Mary and Angel etc. Troyden counts the sleeps every week till Friday as he so enjoys hanging out with the older kiddies playing games and doing the craft.

Youth is going well we have another married couple that is helping with the leading each week and together they share the responsibility with Mark. We have a great multi-cultural group of kids about 18 that meet each week to be encouraged in God’s work.

This month was our annual meetings for the Baptist Union Assembly and they met in Cape Town. We have been so involved in ministry and had many commitments at the same time as the meetings so were unable to attend. Pastor Stuart (our senior pastor) was voted in as the President elect for the Baptist Union and will hold this term of office from Sept 2011-Sept 2012. Please pray for him as he feels the Lord leading him into this extra area of ministry and as we are to carry a little more responsibility while he serves his term. We are encouraged and excited at the Lord’s timing in all these things and praying specially for Pastor Stuart and Loren as they embark on this new journey with the Baptist Union.

We still praising God for all the opportunities He brings our way to be an encouragement to others. God has given us so much to be grateful for and we want to take this opportunity to thank Him for all He has given us – WHAT A FAITHFUL GOD WE SERVE!

God Bless - In His hands

Mark, Tanya, Troyden, Treyson & Tryston

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