Well talk about busy-ness - goodness looking back on October and November, think these have really been the fullest months of our 2010 year!!! So enjoy all the news from the Wilby Fam …
Well we have started our spring/summer with good walking three times a week along beach promenade. Mac (our doggie) is so enjoying all the fresh air and the run/walk with the family. Many a funny look as we step it up with all three boyz in the pram and loads of peeeps think that they are TRIPLETS! The looks and comments are crazy!
The boyz love Mac and so enjoy playing with him – he is rather a naughty puppy and has chewed many a toy and dug up the garden quite considerably!!
October is a special month for the both of us – HAPPY ANNIVERSARY – could not believe that we have been married for 7 years this year – GOD IS SO GOOD!!! His grace and faithfulness in all things we sit back and marvel at what He has blessed us both with in spouse, friend, love and not to mention the three beautiful healthy children – THANK YOU JESUS!
We made several trips to Pietermaritzburg to visit with all the Grandparents and the boyz so love the time with them. It is special to have them all living so nearby for them to interact and build friendships with each other. This is another praise for us to have them part of our lives – Thanks to our parents for the godly example they are to both us and our boyz! We love you all very very much !
Gum boots have been the craze of the month - just love the fashion in our home!
Horray the BOAT BED made it all done and Troydie so enjoys sailing away to dream land! Many a minute of fishing, throwing the cushion anchor and climbing aboard - the boyz are so enjoying it.
Beach fun has begun with Summer on the doorstep we have spent several early mornings out and about on the beach. Troyden is learning to swim so enjoys the water. Tryston is a brave brave little boy and runs into the waves we have to have eyes at the back of our heads. Tryston will not let you go as he is a little afraid of the waves rushing at him. In all we have a busy time on the beach no time to lie out and catch a tan you have to do it all on the run! We are so looking forward to our Christmas holiday on the beach.
Church picnic time – we had many of the younger part of our congregation met just a little drive up the North coast for a picnic one Sunday this month. The kiddies played on the Jungle gyms and all entered into a fun game of rounders. Many were chased away by the heavy rain but those who did make the time to join us all had a great time of fellowship together.Woman’s Ministry - got together for fellowship and encouragement this month. The theme for the meeting was “THE GIFT OF CHRIST” and all décor was in silver and white. Tan’s mom spoke on this theme and what an inspiration and encouragement she was to all. The drama girls were prepped by Tan and they did a special music item to a beautiful song by Chris Tomlin – “My Soul Magnifies the Lord”. They dressed as angels and so enjoyed the opportunity to be apart of ministry in this way. Tan did a demo on Gift Box making and several ladies on the ladies team shared ideas of how to fill your gift boxes for Christmas. They served Christmas treats for tea and on the whole the meeting was a huge blessing to many. Tan so enjoys the opportunities she has to be involved in ministry to women what a blessing to encourage and uplift women to be “Women of God”!
The Young Adults planned a weekend away to Johannesburg as John Piper was in South Africa as one of the key note speakers for the RESOLUTION CONFERENCE. (just a side note Troyden was referring to him has John HYPER as he could not pronounce PIPER so now he has a new name in our home) WOW what a weekend of great spiritual food. The group camped in Trent’s back garden even with an out door bush shower and traveled into the conference each day. Trent together with the RESOLUTION BAND lead worship for this weekend and we can truly say that God has gifted him to blend the many cultural groups together in worship. If you have the time check out the website RESOLUTION CONFERENCE, South Africa 2010 and be sure to click the link to listen to some of the music. In all the weekend proved to be a huge growing experience for ALL who attended and many of our young adults were challenged and stretched to put GOD FIRST!!!
Tan had the most fun ever she tackled driving around Johannesburg by herself with the boyz and they had such fun with a trip to the Botanical Gardens to spend the morning with some friends enjoying the waterfall and a picnic for lunch in the beautiful gardens!
Then on to Fourways to a fun filled kiddie friendly Coffee shop to catch up with one of Tan's friends from school days and what a load of fun the kids had on the jumping castle, bikes and fun jungle gym boats!
Mom Eayrs celebrated her NUMBER 60 birthday and we spent 2 nights on the Vaal Dam staying in a “Matchbox” house – it was soo teeny tiny that only one double bed fitted into it.
The boyz so enjoyed the open spaces, water and the boat. In all it was a great weekend of rest and relaxing after all the rush around the Resolution Conference. We have a special NEE (the boyz name for mom) and we love her very much – praying that the Lord gives her many more years to be and inspiration to all of us.
Then we think one of the biggest trials of our year has been Troyden’s little ear and all the upheaval it has caused with infection, pain and tears. Many of you walked with us as we met with specialists and doctors and surgeons that at one point Troydie thought he was FAMOUS because 3 doctors had looked as his ear in one afternoon. We stand back now and see how the Lord has used this to teach us many lessons in perseverance, patience, trust and faithfulness. All we can say is that GOD is AWESOME and that He has blessed us yet again. Troyden sailed through the intricate surgery to have this pore removed from alongside this ear. We praise the Lord for the accuracy that surgeon operated with so as not to damage the facial nerve and we also praise the Lord for Troydie’s speedy recovery – WOW we have been amazed at how quick he has healed and he has not even skipped a step. His summary to the story goes like this “did you know that I went to hopsital (he can’t pronounce hospital properly) and the doctor cut out the ugly-ies in my ear and now it is fixed!”
Thank you Jesus for childlikeness in faith – he has prayed often in the past few days “Jesus please make my ear better thank you AMEN”
On another note altogether Mark’s studies are moving along swiftly we have completed the first subject and registered for the second – praise the Lord for funds that we have received to make this all possible. The plan is to have this next subject completed before the end of the year – please pray for dedication and discipline to get the reading and research done. Thank you to all of you who have helped support in many areas already.
God Bless - In His hands as we serve
Mark, Tanya, Troyden, Treyson & Tryston
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